Lena Becerra at Culterim | Backshop | Gesundbrunnen
Lena Becerra @ Culterim | Backshop
06 June 2024, Culterim | Backshop
Opening: 06 June 2024, 6pm
Lena Becerra is an Italo- Argentinian artist working across multiple mediums. Her surgically arranged ecosystems summon contemplation of alternative forms of social fabric in the gestational stage, where the sinister and sublime converge as part of a cyclical call for rebirth. Currently, her practice revolves around poetical approaches on a social web, in particular, to the exploration of the sensitive layers of xenofeminism. She creates hybrid organisms where the border between gender, sexuality, technology and nature are not defined, as well as notions around the sublimation of imposed structures.
Opening hours:
06 June - 6pm - 10pm
Culterim | Gesundbrunnen | Backshop Brunnenstraße 107, 13355 Berlin Near S+U Bahnhof Gesundbrunnen