21.06.2024 #1 Julie Legouez - Urlaub in Biesenthal / Kunstverein Culterim e.V.
We warmly invite you to the first exhibition at Culterim | Galerie Pforte. Every third Friday of the month the Kunstverein Culterim e.V. shows an artistic position in the gallery. The exhibitions are part of the Culterim | Residency program and supported by Landkreis Barnim.
#1 Julie Legouez - Urlaub in Biesenthal
21 June 2024, Culterim | Galerie Pforte | Biesenthal
Opening : 21 June 2024, 5pm
During her residency at the old police school in Biesenthal in 2023, artist Julie Legouez focused intensively on the memories of her childhood. The themes of loneliness and boredom, which she often experienced during the vacations, were the focus of her work entitled “Vacation in Biesenthal”. Using various media such as photography, video and installation, she explored her childhood memories and placed them in a new context.
Julie Legouez (she/her) is a multidisciplinary artist who lives and works in Berlin. She studied Fine Art in Berlin and in Vancouver: she has presented her work at national and international exhibitions, most recently at the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg. In 2023, Legouez received the NEUSTARTplus scholarship from the Stiftung Kunstfonds. She has been working as a freelance curator since 2022 and has been part of the Culterim Artist Residency in Biesenthal since last year.
Opening hours:
21 June - 5pm - 10pm
With artworks by:
Julie Legouez
Culterim | Galerie Pforte | Biesenthal
Uhlandstraße 14 , 16359 Biesenthal