22.02. - 25.02.2024
You Can't Put the Golden Spiral on Everything by Anaïs Nyffeler and Jil Schuberth at Culterim | Veterinary | Prenzlauer Berg
You Can‘t Put the Golden Spiral on Everything
22. - 25. February, 2024, Culterim | Veterinary | Prenzlauer Berg
Opening: 22.02.2024, 6pm
A beautifully balanced rectangle.
Aggressively divided harmony.
It sucks me right into its frame.
Stop me from spiraling.
“You Can’t Put The Golden Spiral On Everything” is dedicated to our everyday habitual way of dealing with objects and questions this by means of artistic exploration. As designers, we infuse objects with a soul by recognizing them as active participants in our environment. We are interested in their surfaces as a fictitious and ambiguous substance. By creatively engaging with the individual qualities of objects, emphasizing or completely changing their materiality or form, we appropriate the taken for granted and make the objects become unpredictably autonomous. Our attention is not centered on what we are used to, what we do not question, but on what we are actually looking at. In the process, the norm is emphasized through visual difference - thus highlighting the character of the object without completely alienating it.
It is a homage to the power of metaphor and myth, which gives objects an expanded meaning and allows them to be linked to new interpretations. Imagination becomes a key tool for shaping a multitude of realities.
The artworks in this exhibition explore the semantics and character-building potential of aesthetic analysis. The intersection of art, design and craft yields objects and constellations that are empowered to question their relationship to us. Both the artefacts and the viewers are challenged to explore themselves, to overcome the boundaries of the familiar and to constantly redefine themselves.
Opening Days:
22.02 - 6pm - 10pm
23.02 - 12pm - 6pm
24.02 - 12pm - 6pm
25.02 - 12pm - 4pm
With artworks by:
Anaïs Nyffeler
Arvid Jansen
Bill Hartenstein / Global
Dara Brexendorf
Ernst August Graefe
Eszter Szoke
Jil Schuberth
Johannes Thiel
Jonas Morgenthaler
Lee Jiwoo
Lukas Winter
Marlon Nicolaisen
Oscar Tulloch
Philippe Hansen
Samuel Ellinghoven
Selina Hammer
Steen Sperling
Sophia Nimue
Sophie Thomas
Tessa Meyer
Zoe Spehr
Curated by:
Anaïs Nyffeler
Jil Schuberth
Culterim | Veterinary | Prenzlauer Berg
Erich-Weinert-Straße 135, 10409 Berlin
Near S-Bahnhof Greifswalderstraße