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20.10. - 22.10.2023
Transition Archives by Elin Laut at Culterim | Gesundbrunnen | Backshop
Elin Laut - "Transition Archives"
October 20 - 22, 2023, Culterim | Backshop
Opening: 20 October 2023, 7pm
In his MA graduate exhibition, Elin Laut presents three works about the deconstruction and
reconstruction of identity, focusing on different aspects of trans-masculine transition and trans
visibility. Video, installation and costume form Transition Archives, which can also be read as a
durational performance.
Opening hours:
20 October - 7pm - 11pm
21 October - 2pm - 7pm
22 October - 2pm - 7pm
Culterim | Gesundbrunnen | Backshop
Brunnenstraße 107, 13355 Berlin
Near S+U station Gesundbrunnen
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